Polycarp and Coins Coding Question-Codeforces rated 1000

2 min readFeb 7, 2022


Problem Statement :

Polycarp must pay exactly n burles at the checkout. He has coins of two nominal values: 1 burle and 2 burles. Polycarp likes both kinds of coins equally. So he doesn’t want to pay with more coins of one type than with the other.

Thus, Polycarp wants to minimize the difference between the count of coins of 1 burle and 2 burles being used. Help him by determining two non-negative integer values c1 and c2 which are the number of coins of 1 burle and 2 burles, respectively, so that the total value of that number of coins is exactly n (i. e. c1+2⋅c2=n), and the absolute value of the difference between c1 and c2 is as little as possible (i. e. you must minimize |c1−c2|).

Input Format:

The first line contains one integer t (1≤t≤10^4) — the number of test cases. Then t test cases follow.

Each test case consists of one line. This line contains one integer n (1≤n≤10^9) — the number of burles to be paid by Polycarp.

Output Format:

For each test case, output a separate line containing two integers c1 and c2 (c1,c2≥0) separated by a space where c1 is the number of coins of 1 burle and c2 is the number of coins of 2 burles. If there are multiple optimal solutions, print any one.




334 333
10 10
1 0
10 11
333333334 333333333
1 2

Explanation of given Test Cases :

The answer for the first test case is "334 333". The sum of the nominal values of all coins is 334⋅1+333⋅2=1000, whereas |334−333|=1. One can't get the better value because if |c1−c2|=0, then c1=c2 and c1⋅1+c1⋅2=1000, but then the value of c1 isn't an integer.The answer for the second test case is "10 10". The sum of the nominal values is 10⋅1+10⋅2=30 and |10−10|=0, whereas there's no number having an absolute value less than 0.


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